Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Montgomery Redwood Reserve

Montgomery Redwood Reserve

We all really wanted to see the Redwoods since they weren't too far away from where we were at. The hike was about two miles long, but there wasn't much of a trail. We lost the trail several times. But what a place to be lost! It was gorgeous. It is surreal to see these enormous trees towering above everything. Both Jax and Grace liked taking rides in the backpack.

Dad was so strong he lifted a Redwood for us so we could pass safely underneath.

We saw two different snakes. We were up on this plank and down below was a snake, mom was in the lead and didn't see it, so I yelled out, "Look a snake!" Because I was excited to see it. Mom didn't share the sentiment. I didn't get anything past snake before she was screaming and jumping around trying to get away from it. I didn't realize how scared of snakes she was. It was hilarious.

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