Friday, April 7, 2017

Old Town

 Old Town

The train wasn't very expensive and Chuck and Vickie don't like driving in CA. (Who can blame them?) So we decided to be adventurous and ride the train from Oceanside to Old Town. Grace and Jax loved it at first, but they got bored quickly. Thank goodness we brought some snacks. The train was a fun experience.

The babies take the stage. Grace and Jax heard some Mexican music playing and quickly started dancing. They were pretty cute dancing on stage. We stopped for lunch and got serenaded by three Mexicans and their guitars. After they finished playing, Grace clapped and looked right at one of them with all silver teeth and yelled, "Justin!" Apparently, Justin's wife is rubbing off on him. Grace thinks he's a Mexican. 

 We walked to the Mormon Battalion and took the tour. It was weird, as we were sitting there waiting for it to start, Dallas and her family walked in. Apparently, we just have to meet in San Deigo on Spring Break to see each other. We used to be inseparable for a summer or two. 

Grace didn't bother even trying to find gold, the fun part for her was throwing rocks in the water.

Dallas and me

Mormon Battalion pic

Jax and Grace drew a picture so they stopped at the candy shop and cashed it in for two candies each. We loved it so much, we went to another candy shop too.

All of us took naps on the train ride back. It was a long day.

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