Friday, April 7, 2017



Patti Spencer gave Aaron four tickets to all three days of NASCAR here in Las Vegas. She works as an EMT on the track, so she gets free tickets for her family. She wasn't interested in it, so we scored! Aaron had to work on Friday, so we just went for a few hours of practice. Grace kept the earmuffs over her ears the whole time this year. She kept pointing at the cars and saying, "Racecar, vroom vroom".

Before qualifying, we went to Macayo's which is a restaurant that the drivers said was the best in Las Vegas. It was really good and the service was amazing. They were so friendly and sweet to Grace. Aaron said a bunch of the crew came into IN-N-OUT, and we saw pictures of Kes and his family in Boulder City at our favorite biking trail.

Qualifying and Practice

Hi racecar. Vroom Vroom.

Aaron and I rode in a new car with professional drivers around a tiny track. It was fun!

Grace asked daddy for "ice ceam, peez" and he couldn't resist her cute little voice.

Nationwide Race Series

On Saturday they have the Nationwide races. Justin and Dad came with us to watch this one. Araceli and Mom watched Grace at our house. It was hot, but we had tons of fun. Joey Logano won this one.

Kes raced the 22 car

Logano's burnout

Race winner

Sunday's Race

Chris and Rob joined us for this race. I was stoked because Kes had it! Right up until the last lap...he had a tire come loose and lost it to Truex. Logano and Bushe got into a fist fight because Kyle Bushe thought Logano had deliberately crashed him. It was hilarious. He only got one punch in before Joey's crew beat him up. He came up with blood on his face. We had a great time. 

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