Friday, April 7, 2017



I had to quit my job so Aaron could move up in his. He needed open availability so he could close at night as well as work during the day. It was a sad day! I miss the people and the job, but I don't miss the hours. It's tough to work nights. 
When Dad was here for NASCAR he was talking about this vacation and I jokingly said I'd like to crash it. I never dreamed they would say yes. It was an adult vacation-meaning it was just supposed to be my mom and dad and my uncle and aunt going. Jessica and Jax were staying with them though, and they didn't want any trouble with her husband so she was crashing it. Dad called up Chuck and Vickie and asked if I could ride with them and come too. They were so happy to take me. They were wonderful to drive with and it was really fun catching up with them. They loved Grace, and I was so nervous traveling with them that Grace would be a little stinker, but she did awesome. 

Snuggling with her baby on the way there

Cousins are so much fun

As soon as we got there we walked out to look at the ocean. Grace didn't get the concept. When I wouldn't take her out to play in the water (because we were all in pants and tennis shoes) she recruited Aunt Vickie. Then she was so mad at me for taking her away, she would only let Jessica hold her. My little diva child. 

It was so foggy almost every morning. Jax would rub his eyes and say, "I have FROG in my eyes!"

We gave the kids baths, tucked them in tight, took a picture, and then watched in dismay as our carefully planned out bedtime routine was ruined. Jess and me really wanted to sleep on the murphy bed without kids. Yeah right. Jax is afraid of the dark, and Grace won't sleep with a light on. Jax and Jess ended up on the couch the first night, and me and Grace ended up on the couch the rest of the time.We pretty much got zero sleep all four nights.

Beach Day
Jax was scared of the ocean, but he loved playing in the sand. Grace hated the sand, but loved playing in the ocean.

Girl date at Harbors Fish and Chips. Mom took us out there and we ordered one "meal" of fish and chips that we shared. We got a small lemonade and three straws. haha.

Bedtime second round. We tried a pack n play and got foiled by kids again. They ended up sleeping with us. Little stinkers.

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