Saturday, April 8, 2017

Springs Preserve

Springs Preserve

The Springs Preserve has a new exhibit. Boom city. It take you back to the 20's when Las Vegas was becoming a real city. We took the train there and Grace loved it.

They had a hotel, a mercantile, a bank, and house to walk through.

The train station

 They also had Ripley's Believe it or Not exhibit

The tallest man in the world stood at 8ft 11 inches. He died at 22 of bad circulation.

Bumblebee and Shrunken heads

We let Grace crack open a Geode. She loved it!

 Then we walked over to the butterfly exhibit. It's our favorite.

The tortoise was out snoozing in the sun

A gila monster



Conference weekend we drove to Utah to wash some cars and listen to conference. Danielle and Trent treated us to hotdogs and smores at their house for lunch on Saturday. It was super fun to see them. Grace was in heaven because they had a hammock and some toys to play in the dirt.


Trent playing with the kids

Aaron, Melissa, and Melvin all worked on cars while LuAnn was at work. Randy and Riley worked on dinner for us. We had hamburgers with all of the fixings. It was really good.

Our beautiful washed, waxed, and detailed car.

The next day we listened to conference and ate cinnamon rolls and fruit salad at my house. Josh and the kids were down from Salt Lake on Spring Break. We all went for a walk down to the Virgin River lookout. The kids put hoodies on and acted like mini raptors..

Stormy skies on our way back home.

Scout Campout

Scout Campout

Aaron is in charge of planning scout campouts for the kids. He planned it out at the dry lake bed, and Grace and I came along to help supervise. The pupdogs came too. The boys were hilarious. Their voices kept cracking, and they were just such adolescent boys. The wind was pretty awful so no one got any sleep. In fact, I'm a little shocked none of the tents flew away. Grace did really well camping. She loves picking up rocks and telling everyone the fire was hot. Mom and Dad gave us their old tent and it was ginormous! You could stand up inside. It was awesome. 

The rest of the month was park, play time, and babysitting.

Audry and Grace. Audry is 18 months and Grace is almost 2

Aaron showing Grace how to play with play dough

Grace's painting projects

We had dinner with Pat and her husband. Their are Aaron's friends from IN-N-OUT they come in every single day and they wanted to meet the whole family before we move.