Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer Games 5k

Summer Games 5k

I signed up for the Summer Games 5k with my dad six weeks after I had Grace. We almost didn't make it. Dad set his alarm for Friday on accident so it didn't go off. I finally knocked on his door at 5:45am. The last bus was supposed to go up at 6:45. We left Hurricane at 6:05 and made it to Cedar in 25 minutes. Speed much? We made it to the race and then they set it back to 7:30 so we didn't actually need to speed like we did. lol.

 I felt so good running again, but I was so much slower than I used to be. It was so discouraging. I went in hoping for something under 33 minutes or 11 minute miles. I got 29:06! 91/2 minute miles. Yay! Dad had a bad run with some side aches, so I got his picture running in a few minutes after me. He got 3rd in his age group! I was pretty proud of my papa! It was an awesome race.

After the race

 Getting his medal

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