Monday, June 29, 2015



Too hot. June has been too hot. It's been in the triple digits all month long. The high was 119 and the lows have been 103. June has also been full of Gracie grins. She's a happy girl, especially in the mornings. Her facial expressions are too funny. 

Her newest toy. She will dance and kick for hours in this jungle gym.

Gracie's new life jacket. We tested it out in the bathtub and she floats!

Aaron had his In-n-out company party at Wet n Wild. Oh my gosh! Too much fun! I wish we would have gotten a babysitter for Grace. They booked out the whole park so there was a zero wait line for anything. You just ran up the stairs and went on the ride. Me and Aaron switched out. They also gave out prizes (nothing was under a hundred dollars), had tons of carnival snacks, gave out burgers, and had lots of games to play. We got there a little late and I was kind of bummed. I didn't realize it would be so much fun.

Giving out prizes

Grace just a snoozing away

I may have a few of these. Yum!

Aaron racing down. He got first, I got second in my group. Not that we are competitive or anything.

Grace and me hanging out by the wave pool

Coming out of the toilet bowl that Wet n Wild is known for. 

Leaving the park.

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