Monday, June 29, 2015

Grace's baby blessing

Grace's Baby Blessing

The day after we got home from Oceanside, Aaron blessed Gracie at church in our ward in Las Vegas. Aaron's parents and my parents came down and so did Jeremy and Brittany's family. I know it was a two hour drive for a five minute blessing, so I'm so grateful they were willing to drive down and support Aaron as he did the blessing. Both Dad's went over how the first part should go with him so he wouldn't forget. He was really nervous, but he did an amazing job. He remembered her name, so that's a plus. ;) Grace did really well. She just slept through the whole thing. I wrote it down and we put it in her baby book so she could read it when she's older. Dad kept nudging me to go bear my testimony, so I did, even though in our ward you have to wait forever to do it. It's a far cry from our branch where you were expected to bear your testimony every month just to take up the time. haha. Grace got really fussy and started crying when I left and I felt really bad for leaving her. 

Our little family

Both sets of parents

We had sandwiches, a veggie tray, fruit salad, chips, and cookies for lunch.

Staring up at Grandpa

 Her beautiful dress inherited from Brookie. Thanks Heather again for all the baby stuff!

Getting loved on!

It was a perfect day!

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