Wednesday, June 17, 2015

One Month

One Month Old!

Grace is one month old already! She almost weighs in at 11 pounds and is 21 and a half inches long. She is very alert and loves waving her hands around and kicking those legs. She will lay on the floor and kick for hours. She is turning into a good sleeper and will sleep for 3 hours at a time. She loves to eat and get kisses from mom and dad. I have the happiest baby in the world. She smiles at everyone as long as they will talk to her. Ok, she has smiled from day three and smiles in her sleep, at the walls, at the dogs, at people, and can go from crying to smiling in two seconds flat. My favorite are Gracie's gummy grins. Sometimes she will smile so wide all you see are those gums and the back of her throat. She doesn't really like naptimes. She just wants to be held and rocked and stare up at your face. She will fight sleep like crazy, and once you get her down those little eyes will pop back open. It usually takes three or four times of rocking her to sleep before she will go out. She loves to eat and has had many many blow outs. Bathtime is one of her favorite times of the day. She likes splashing and kicking her legs in the water. She loves being outside. She would be outside all day if we would let her. Any time she gets fussy, a walk out the door instantly calms her down.
She is the sweetest little thing and we absolutely adore her.

The many faces of Grace Lynn


  1. She is adorable!! I hope I can meet her soon, like, within the next year??? lol. Seriously, though. I need to meet her.

  2. Yay! You updated the blog. She is so precious. I just love her and you!! ❤️
