Wednesday, June 17, 2015



May was all about learning how to deal with a new baby. Grace had jaundice pretty bad so the doctors told me to nurse her every two hours. Since we were both getting used to nursing, it would take her about 45 minutes before she was done. This left me with about an hour to get back into bed and sleep. Sleep deprived was an understatement. But then she would smile at me and those smiles just told me she was warm, well fed, and loved. I just adored those middle of the night smiles. After about two weeks her jaundice wasn't so bad and she learned how to eat a little faster so it wasn't as terrible. It's hard to be a parent, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I can't believe how much your heart grows and the instant love you have for this helpless creature.

We introduced her to the dogs and Sadie sniffed her and then didn't look at her again. Kodi was a little more interested and we still have to remind her it isn't ok to lick the baby's head or feet. Both of them have been seen sleeping next to the baby. They also love it when I put down a blanket for Grace to kick on, both dogs think it's for them and by the time I grab the baby one or both of them can be found snoozing on it.

Dog approved

Grace's favorite way to sleep

Oh man! The best photo ever! I was trying to get a picture of her smiling because she smiles all the time, except if there is a camera present, and she rolled her eyes, raised her brows, and looked at me. So funny looking!

Bath time is so much fun!

We did find some time to go bowling with Melissa, Randy, and Riley. It was too funny. Randy and Aaron were really competitive with each other. 

We also helped Justin celebrate his birthday by having a yummy steak dinner with cupcakes for dessert. We didn't have any candles, so he had to blow out a scented yankee candle instead. :)

Not a NASCAR fan? It's just because Aaron tried to get her to drive with Carl Edwards car. She's a Junior fan all the way. She coos everytime Dale Earnhart Jr. talks on t.v.

Sneaking a Sunday nap in

I think we are starting to adjust to life with a baby. I can usually get by on five or six hours of sleep now and my body has adjusted to falling right back asleep after getting her to bed. We love having this little stinkbug in our lives!

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