Saturday, July 13, 2013

Seward Cruise

Seward Cruise

I love my job! I love love love it. Especially when they send us out on 81/2 hour cruises so we can tell our guests how awesome Seward is. We went on one last year and it was such a hit, we went again this year. Dawson lived in Seward for a couple of years and decided to go with us. We went out to Surprise Glacier, Aileck Glacier, and Holgate Glacier again this year but saw some different stops along the way and got to see some amazing wildlife! Our all you can eat salmon and prime rib buffet was held on Fox Island this year, which was absolutely gorgeous. It was beautiful weather and such a fun adventure!

On the boat, we were a little worried about it because we only arrived ten minutes before it left. Dawson had slept through her alarm clock and we had to wait for her to get ready and then there was bloody road construction the whole way there. But peace out, because we made it.

Misty mountains every which way

We ended up seeing a ton of Humpback Whales and some residential Killer Whales, but our dearest Kodiak Bear is still learning manners and ate the memory card (one reason I should blog on time) with all of our whale pictures. So you will just have to see what my little iphone can get. 

They were being really playful. They kept hopping out of the water and this little guy was doing barrel rolls for us. They don't do tricks on command, but I'll take this over Seaworld any day.

Watching the whales!

The Humpbacks aren't nearly as cool, until they jump out of the water. They are so huge! It was awesome seeing them jump out right in front of us.

Whale tail

The big finale

 Hanging out in front of the Tidal Glacier. This one was Holgate, watching it calve is the coolest.

Ailek Glacier

The water was clear as glass

Surprise Glacier

Our captain took us to some bird islands and I just fell in love with these Puffins. They are so adorable! They are a mix between penguin and parakeet. They act like flying potatoes, but underwater can swim down to 300 ft. These ones were kissing. Awe!

This picture makes them look graceful, but don't let it fool you. Flying potato. No joke.

Stellar sea lions. See that fat one in the back. ha ha.
Pretty much the laziest creatures in the world

We did some some cute otters and the dolphins

And lots of Bald Eagles

Aaron fell asleep on our way to dinner. Poor kid, that neck is going to kill him in the morning.

Fox Island

Our boat

The View with dinner. There was a Humpback whale in the distance.

Doing yoga to get rid of dinner calories

Warrior two. Everytime I do this, it reminds me of Coach from Survivor. He was such a dork.
We just love where we live!

1 comment:

  1. I love all the new posts. You live in such a great place. Love you guys!
