Friday, April 3, 2015

Birthday girl

Happy Birthday

I turned 25 this year. I'm a quarter of a century old. I don't feel old yet, in fact I felt like a five year old when Aaron asked what I wanted to do and I said "Ride a train!" It's been on my bucket list for a while and we had so much fun going to the museum and taking a 45 minute ride on the train.

They really centered it around children and they had Easter crafts and even an Easter egg hunt.

It was so relaxing it almost put me to sleep

Aaron had a test due that he has to proctor across town. (He is doing so well at school! His test scores are usually one of the top three in the class. He is also sporting straight A's. I'm so proud of him!) They have a beautiful park where we grabbed some ice cream cones and walked around. We also went out to dinner and had dessert at home. It was a fun birthday!

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