Thursday, April 2, 2015

Fourth Anniversary

Fourth Anniversary

Aaron and I celebrated our fourth anniversary on February 12th. Oh how time flies. He woke me up with breakfast in bed and had gone across the street and gotten me flowers. He even picked the right kind. I love tulips. We decided to go hiking in a new place this year, and found a hike called The Fire Wave at the Valley of Fire. We were going to have a romantic picnic out there, but Justin was in town and wanted to come hiking with us, so we brought him too. I tried not to give Justy anything with the cheesy sayings on it. I had written "You are the peanut butter to my jelly" on the sandwiches, and "I'm nuts about you" on the trailmix, and "Lets never split" on the bananas and the list goes on and on. Aaron thought it was cute. 

The colors were really beautiful

We made it. We were a little disappointed because when we first started there wasn't anyone around, but I was so slow we got passed by two groups of people. We all waited until the sun went down for the perfect shot of the wave.

Sporting the belly shot

Yummy! I love taking pictures of him taking pictures. This guy is the best! He's hard-working, responsible, thoughtful, loyal, strong, spiritual, self motivated, driven, happy, thinks of others first, and a handsome hunk. He's the steady rock that balances out my craziness. I'm so lucky he is stuck with me forever.

The wave


Sadie girl


Sadie is getting too old for long hikes. She plopped down and refused to move on the way back. Poor girl. I think she was too hot.

Aaron made us some delicious steaks on our portable grill. The condo rules say we can't cook on our balcony so we had to get creative. It was so good!

Perfect anniversary babe! Here's to another awesome year ahead!

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