Friday, April 3, 2015



Jessica and Mom put together a really fun baby shower for me. It was mostly family, and Danielle came with her 8 day old baby Emerson McCoy. I loved the way his little legs would curl up like he was still in the womb. He is so so precious! For not inviting many people, we sure made out like bandits! Both Grandma's had way too much fun shopping! Other than some little things we are all set for Gracie to come into the world. Thank you so much for everyone that came or pitched in because they were too far away to come!

They decorated so cute

All of our presents!

Jessica made this mobile for me and the picture doesn't do it justice! I couldn't believe how cute it is.

Mom made me a matching lamp set. They are touch lamps too so its really convenient to tap them on.

Aaron went on a motorcycle ride with Bill and some of his other guy friends. They were gone most of the day and he had to refill the tank five times. He got a sunburnt nose and washed Dad's motorcycle in return for letting him use it. I couldn't believe how long they were gone and all the snow they hit. I can't sit on a motorcycle for that long!

We have mostly been pretty lazy lately. I've been sick and Aaron started his new job at In-n-out. They are working with his school schedule and the doctor appointments so we are pretty stoked to be making some money. We also have record highs for Las Vegas for this time of the year. Say what? It hit 94 degrees when it's usually only in the 70's. This hot weather is killing me!

Our side job. Mom got us hooked on liquidation but we sell through Ebay. Aaron shipped out 13 packages that day.

We hiked out to Duck Creek

And made it out to the Hoover Dam. I can't believe how low the water is right now.

We try to get out to the lake as much as we can so the dogs can cool off. I wish the dog park had some kitty pools for the dogs to jump in. I really worry about them overheating.

Kodi loves to play fetch with sticks

I'm always on the hunt for heart shaped rocks, something Aaron's sister Melissa got me into, and I found this rock and couldn't resist showing it to Aaron. Lol. He was so impressed he took it home and put it on his computer desk.

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