Sunday, December 28, 2014



After a year of marriage we decided to start trying for a baby. I got off of birth control and when I didn't have a period I thought we had done it. We were thrilled. Except I couldn't get a positive on a pregnancy test. After four months of no period we went to the doctor and after doing test on top of test we found out it would be very difficult to have children without medical assistance. They weren't sure exactly what was wrong with me and wanted to do more hormonal testing, but I wasn't ready for that kind of emotional turmoil. They gave me some papers on PCOS and some other suggestions but we decided to just go back on birth control so I would have a period. (Apparently its not healthy if you can't have one at least every 3 months.) 

After a few months I looked up my symptoms and found a few other girls that were going through the same situations. One of them had changed her diet and gone gluten free and dairy free and it had cured her of everything. I liked this idea of not having to take medication and live more naturally. So after Christmas I gave away all of our gluten items (Aaron kept some bread and crackers for himself) and went gluten free. I stopped taking birth control. I limited my dairy intake but I didn't want to do two dramatic things to my body at once. I almost died the first week, but then changes started to happen that I liked. It wasn't so hard, and though now we didn't get any processed food and I had to cook from scratch, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. The first month my period came back. 

Almost two years later without using any kind of contraceptive, we thought we just couldn't have children. We started planning travel vacations and had plans to get Aaron through college when all the sudden I got really sick. And my boobs started hurting like crazy. I bought a test without thinking it could really have happened. But it had a little plus sign. Then I took the next one and it had a plus sign. Aaron was really excited, but I felt horrible. What about all of our plans?! This wasn't in our budget and what if we couldn't afford it. Being thrown upside down was horrible! We set a doctors appointment thinking we could still be wrong.  

At our first appointment we found out we were 10 weeks along with this little squirming baby. It's head was oversized and it had little tiny arms and legs. I couldn't believe we were seeing that inside of my body! I started throwing up three or four times a day and work was the hardest thing to get through. I was tired all the time. I couldn't cook or eat anything. The baby wanted gluten because crackers were all I could keep down. I went from running marathons to running five miles to throwing up when running. We were moving soon and I could barely get out of bed for anything. Pregnancy has been so difficult for me to process, but I'm finally getting excited about having a baby. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for us and our baby is a miracle. I'm still scared to death, but it doesn't seem quite as scary as before. I have a wonderful husband who has stood by me and given me comfort when I get frustrated. I'm sure we will make it work.

I didn't want to take any pictures, but Aaron made me take some at 13 weeks to show off that we made it through our first trimester. I can't believe I thought I was fat then!

This is my grumpy face. It just goes to show how crazy your hormones are when pregnant because as soon as I took off my coat Aaron pointed out that I was "smuggling skittles". I started bawling. I already didn't feel pretty, was feeling sick, and the only thing he thinks to say before taking my picture is my nipples are showing because its cold! He tried to apologize by saying he was joking but I was ready to kill him after I could stop the sniffles. It's funny now....

I thought I was showing then because I had a little pooch in front. The doctor explained that wasn't the baby but all my guts that had been where the baby was hanging out. Way to make me feel fat Doc!

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I love the pregnancy "cry for no reason" stories, yours is hilarious! Cute pics!!
