Sunday, December 21, 2014

Crescent Lake

Crescent Lake

We had a few gorgeous days in a row, one of them reaching up to 80 f so even though I had a fever and wasn't feeling good we decided we had to do something! We decided on a backpack trip to Crescent Lake because it wasn't supposed to be too hard to get to. It was a five mile hike in, but completely flat and would have been easy to do on a bike. Unfortunately, we didn't get the memo and ended up going through Carter Lake to Crescent Lake, which is a faster hike, it was only two and a half miles, but also straight up and strenuous. So we ended up on the other side of the lake then we wanted, which is stretched out like a Crescent Moon, and Aaron didn't get to do the Grayling fishing he wanted because we were in the wrong spot. But it was beautiful and hot and my fever broke in the night so I felt better the next day.

Starting out

It was so hot, as soon as we reached Carter Lake we did a little skinny dipping. That water was still ice cold!!!

Carter Lake

We tried some fishing at Carter while I rested and ended up with a few cute Dolly Varden. 


Back on our way to Crescent Lake. Once we reached the summit, it was was a short flat hike to Crescent Lake.

Beautiful views and gorgeous wildflowers. Kodi loves to hop through them when they are over her head. She looks like a silly deer.

A small piece of Crescent Lake

Our Campsite. No one around for miles!

I used our Thermarest's as floaties and went swimming

Kodi joined me. She is a really strong swimmer. She went from me back to the shore several times, even when I was out in the middle of the lake. There were all of these birds called Loons that had the most beautiful of voices. It was really restful and the sun made it nice.

Happy to be there 

Shivering after swimming

Sadie taking a snooze

Smores and fishing before bed

Kodi sleeps right in between us and Sadie is between me and the tent. Our three person tent has worked so well for us.

Ready for bed

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