Wednesday, May 14, 2014



Being home was so much fun! It pretty much looks the same but those kids sure grow up. We were introduced or re-introduced to a whole bunch of babies and kiddos! The saddest thing about being away from home is that the kids never remember who you are. They have to relearn it every time. I've missed my family so much!


Meet Baby Jax

Baby Dawson

The Twins Sam and Emma

Baby Jenni and Dylan

Melissa and Ri-man

So fun to see some of these new additions! 


We celebrated Easter on Saturday after Jessica's wedding. The adults I'm sure had just as much fun hiding the eggs as the kids had finding them. Jer and Britt's kids, Dylan, and Beck's kids were all there. These kids are awesome. We played freeze tag, the farmer and the dale, ring around the rosies, statues, and then the adults played Apples to Apples. Alex was so cute because after all the kids went inside he grabbed two of the adults hands and said, "Let's go round!" No one could resist that cute little voice so all the adults and Alex played one more round of Farmer and the Dale. 

My gorgeous sisters minus the bride

Don't we look cute with baby Jenni

Car Show

We met up with Justin, Ben, and Dad at the Easter Car show. We had a blast!

Aaron's pick

My pick

We found some time to see Bill and Tamera and had lunch with them at Oscars. I can't tell you how awesome these guys are. I just love them. Aaron and Bill went on a motorcycle ride together and I was super bummed we couldn't fit in the Canyon with them. 

LuAnn showing us around her job at the Zion Gift Shop

Melvin working on the car

Melvin has been working on Aaron's dream car, so he gave him a ride in it. Aaron was stoked.

Dad gave us a tour of the new high school


Dad thought we needed a mini vacation from the wedding, so Heather, Mom, Dad, Justin, me, and the twins spent the night at the Worldmark in Las Vegas. Those twins are a crack-up. I loved swimming in the lazy river with them. I got a waterproof camera to play with too. It was so fun.


Zion with Roxanna

We did the Emerald Pools hike with Roxanna and her kids. Ryker had a blow out on the bus, Bralyn peed her pants, and Brody pooped at the top so all in all it was a great day. lol. We had fun! We saw some deer and played games all the way to the top. It's been fun to see friends, and Zion is so beautiful.

Bralyn and Jordan

 First pool

Second Pool

Third Pool

I fell in love with this little hiking partner. She was such a doll!

1 comment:

  1. So fun to be home with everyone. I've been homesick since I got back.
