Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Eagle river #2

Eagle River....again

So naturally after I got back with Erin and showed Aaron my pictures of how wonderful it was he got really jealous and insisted I go back with him. So the next Sunday we backpacked back out there again. It really is a heavenly place to camp. 

Starting out

The pups were super excited.

Switching our sign to Occupied!

What a yurt looks like if you didn't know

We had done all of Crows Pass (26 miles) the year before, but by the end of the hike we were all so exhausted we didn't really remember much of the Eagle River side. So I convinced Aaron to go with me to "The Perch" where the braided Eagle River has a little viewpoint. Aaron wasn't quite ready for the 10 mile hike that went with it.

What a handsome hunk!

Through the forest

Right after our bear scare. Kodi and Sadie started barking and we walked into this huge cloud of stench (and Aaron claimed it wasn't him). You usually can smell a bear before you see them, and we were on a hill where we could smell it, but it was just out of sight. Aaron took out the shotgun, just in case, and we kept the dogs close. We whooped and hollered our way through the trees but our crashing through the forest had scared it off. On the way back we didn't smell him again.

The Perch

We thought maybe we had reached "The Perch", but neither of us really knew what we were looking for, so we kept walking-knowing we would run into a waterfall a mile away if we had gone too far. Sure enough, we saw our waterfall and Aaron was so mad he had to walk 12 miles instead of 10 miles.

If our dang shotgun didn't weigh so much I think he would have enjoyed it more.

We did see some pretty cool places along the way

Aaron and the dogs were pooped by the time we got back so I made a fire and cooked us up some dinner while Aaron rested. We had tinfoil dinners and smores and we all slept good that night.

The next day was absolutely gorgeous! We had some tea and oatmeal by the river before we packed up and left. Love those beautiful Alaskan sunny days.

Headed home, wishing we had booked a few more days.

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