Thursday, July 10, 2014

Eagle and Symphony Lakes

Eagle and Symphony Lakes

The funny river fire was burning up most of the south and really swamped the air with a red sun and hazy hazy skies. This backpacking trip would have been epic with clear skies, but it was still beautiful and different. We also went on memorial day weekend and the place was packed with day hikers. (And four tents, but that is packed for us!) Usually we may pass one or two people if we see anyone at all so it was a little disappointing to have to share. It was a five-seven mile hike out (no one seemed to know the actual distance) and we pitched our tent on the Symphony side. Gorgeous area!

Starting out

Hazy skies

A pano of the set up. Eagle on the left side, Symphony on the right. One is glacial and the other marine, so one is turquoise and the other a deep blue. the peaks behind them are up to 7000 ft and massive. We didn't see much of them so we are hoping to go back. We camped between them on the Symphony side.

Taken at 11pm from our campsite! I love this never ending sun. We left at five from Girdwood so we got there pretty late.

Our tent at Symphony

The next day we slept in and took the hike back nice and slow. As we were throwing sticks out in the water for Kodiak, who would wander by but ten missionaries on pday. The very last one was our missionary! Elder Langi! He's from Tonga and got offered a scholarship to play professional rugby, but he declined and went on a mission instead. He has a large family but no support or money coming his way, so we adopted him and send letters, pictures, and do a care package once a month. He wrote back after this and said that he knew the lord inspired him to go hiking that day so we would finally meet. It was a cool experience to finally meet the missionary we've been supporting for a year.

Taking a water break

Aaron got annoyed with my sugar high (no doubt from the package of marshmallows I'd consumed) and traded backpacks with me for the rest of the trail. He was carrying the shotgun and the tent with his clothes and sleeping bag/pad. I was carrying all the food, cooking gear, the tent poles, my clothes, sleeping bag/pad. His was def heavier! Super fun trip out and can't wait to go back.

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