Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Redwood National Park

Redwood National Park

The next day we drove twenty minutes to the Redwood National Park visitor center. We collected our magnet, a sequoia seedling, and some of their coins for LuAnn. I'm glad we had cash because the power was out. Aaron smirked a little and said that's what they get for trying solar power in a place that never sees the sun. We drove to the Lady Bird Johnson trail, and left our poor puppies in the car. The Redwoods were amazing! The fog made everything feel very surreal, and the rain made the colors vibrant on the ground and black and white in the sky. We cranked our necks all the way back, and couldn't see the tops of some of them. Some of the redwoods there are over 350ft high and over 2,000 years old. The forest seemed to absorb all sound and there was a reverence that I've only felt inside of the temple. It was an incredible experience.

About half way through the trail Grace went from running all over like a crazy person to happy to zonked out. She fell asleep on my head.

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