Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Giffords

Hanging with the Giffords

Aaron's family is just awesome. They were so excited to see us and there were hugs all around. Their backyard is just amazing. LuAnn has a huge garden, tons of flowers, and a bird feeder. We sat on the patio most nights and soaked up the last rays with conversation and badminton. They have an awesome grill that made most of our meals. It was so fun to hang out with them.

Grilling hamburgers

Grilling some delicious steaks

Bella enjoying one of the steak bones

She was loving on me and I missing have a dog like crazy! One morning I got up and walked into the living room and was messing around on my phone so I wouldn't wake up Aaron. I yawned and then said, "Ok, Sadie lets go for a walk." And there was no dog laying at my feet. I was a little heartbroken. I probably drove Dawson up the wall checking on Sadie. I can only imagine how awful I'll be as a mom. Bella and me were buds, and she lavished in the extra attention.

Their family tradition for birthdays is DQ ice cream cake. LuAnn bought us one to celebrate the birthdays we had missed out on. She did it with Forget me nots...Awe!

Silly lady cutting up watermelon like a ninja

Randy, Melissa, and Riley

Our little Ri-Man is 9 already! He has the stinkest gas in the world too-he proved it one night for us. There were nasty gas bubbles floating all night long. Gross.


Their newest addition to the family Nutmeg

I thought Nutmeg looked like an oversized mouse and was not pleased to hold her, but they made me do it once. I'm so glad Aaron is allergic!

We all played Badminton in the backyard. Aaron was the best at getting the birdie stuck in the tree, and then the racket as he tried to get it out. Randy found a pole and saved the day. Riley says he won every match, but he was also the one keeping score and we could have protested some of his rules. haha.

Their favorite place to eat is Sizzler so we took Melvin out to eat there for their Malibu chicken. Aaron and Melissa also took him out to eat and checked out his work as a mechanic teacher at the college. We love these guys! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your other family is as cool as ours. You look great.
