Friday, September 4, 2015



August was a pretty chill month. We mostly stayed home and relaxed. The weather was a little nicer so we went kayaking and to the lake a few times. Grace is just growing like a weed. She is getting so strong! She's still a baldy though.

Helping Grace out with Tummy time

She loves petting the dogs

She just recently learned how to blow bubbles and she does it all the time now!

Pretty Sadie Pants just got brushed

She is too funny. I was sitting with her and she would just look up and smile at me.

Getting ready for swimming.

We went on a choppy day and Aaron tipped over. (Mostly because he was pulling Kodi in and out of his boat). The bottom has a few holes and it filled with water so he kept tipping. He was so mad. We have since fixed the holes and he hasn't tipped again.

Grace likes kayaking, but her life jacket is still pretty big. It squishes those little cheeks up and she doesn't like that. But I'd rather be safe than sorry!

The pups always love going to the lake.

We made a quick trip home for LuAnn's birthday. We played at the river with the dogs and Melissa fell into the mud. LuAnn and Riley started a 3D puzzle that was extra tricky because the pieces one way looked like something and you would turn it slightly and it would be something else. They got bored after a few minutes and me and Russell spent five hours putting it all together. lol. Everyone also got their car washed, waxed, and detailed in the front yard, and played with little miss Gracie.

And I just had to throw this one in here. Kodi likes falling asleep to scripture study. :)

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