Monday, August 31, 2015


Road Trip

Yay for vacations. The Johnson family has a reunion every year in Idaho at a bunch of cabins that call themselves a resort called Mack's Inn. I love this place! I have so many good memories from catching minnows, rafting the river, seeing the wildlife, buying and eating penny candies, playing through the playgrounds, going to Yellowstone, and catching my first real fish. It's been ten years since I was last there so even though it was a ten hour road trip with a 10 week old for only a weekend, we thought it would be fun, and it was! We stopped in Layton and stayed with Josh and Jan before continuing on through Idaho Falls toward the West entrance of Yellowstone.

We had to stop to do Aaron's online class at a certain time, so we stopped at a Wendy's and stole their Wifi while Grace, Sadie, and I kicked it back on the grass. The weather was nice and Grace loved kicking her legs outside and getting out of the car.
My cute little baldy

Aaron is going through school online at BYU ID so we decided to stop there and let him get a picture. We also stopped at the temple for a few minutes and soaked in the peaceful grounds.

They had these gorgeous fields that went on for miles. I loved it! So different from Las Vegas.

On our way back we went through Yellowstone to Grand Teton National Park to Jackson Hole WY and then went the scenic way home. It made us seriously regret living in Las Vegas when there are open spaces and beautiful scenery, and less people, and cooler weather through these parts. I keep reminding myself Vegas is just temporary. As soon as Aaron finishes school we will be out of there.

The elk arch in Jackson Hole

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