Monday, August 31, 2015

Grand Teton

Grand Teton

I loved this park! I could have stayed here forever. Yellowstone is amazing because of the geysers, but Grand Teton is beautiful! It's covered in gorgeous trees, awe inspiring mountain peaks, and the waterfalls and lakes were stunning! 

Our first view of the Teton mountain range

Josh and Jan told us to take a boat across Jenny Lake and do some of the hikes there. It was so fun! Plus Jenny on Jenny Lake...we had to do it. The hike was only a mile and there were some amazing waterfalls at the end. It was a little crowded though so we didn't get to linger.

Grace woke up and was all smiles on the way back to the car.

One last look at the Teton's



Yellowstone was amazing. It was pretty cold for Grace, and it was weird because you would get warm steam thrown in your face from the wind and then the wind would change and you would get a cold breeze on your wet face. It made things pretty chilly for her. She pretty much slept in her warm blanket through all the geyser basins anyway though.

We saw a lot of wildlife. Huge bison, some moose, some elk, a fox, some osprey, deer, an eagle, and some of those weird looking deer that I can't remember the name of. Aaron had a set lens on so we didn't get any pictures. But they were beautiful to watch!

We did Old faithful and all the Midbasin geyser's with Josh and Jan's family then we split and did some things on our own. The kids were really fun to walk with, but they were super slow. Aaron and I could have done it much faster and been able to go and see more things, but then we wouldn't have been able to listen to the fascinating things the kids would say. They are such a crack up.

Old Faithful

We all decided Morning Glory was our favorite

We got to watch a few go off. It was a really cool and unique experience. There isn't anywhere quite like Yellowstone! 

Grace woke up so we let her kick around around on the ground to get out some of her energy. It's hard being in a car seat all day. She was so cute giggling in the grass.

She loves sticking out her tongue

On our way back we stopped at some waterfalls and a few other geysers. The steam was so thick it looked like a thick fog. You could hardly see the person in front of you at times.

There were some beautiful spots!

I only wished we had more time to see it all!

Macks Inn

Macks Inn

We made it! The weather was off and on stormy so we got pelted with rain and then hail, a mouse ran out of the fireplace as soon as we started it, the stove was broken, Aaron was taller than the shower head, and the mattress was hard and squeaky. It wouldn't be Mack's if there weren't a few things wrong. ;) Everyone gets together and complains and then we book our trip for next year. ha ha. Becky and Matt had the cabin next to us and came the next day.

Grace did pretty well sleeping in the pack and play but I think she was still too cold because she woke up every hour or two and just wanted to cuddle. Kendel and especially Olivia are both miniature mommas. They constantly were asking me if they could hold Grace and entertained her. It was pretty cute.

Aaron got his fishing license, but I figured I would be too busy with Grace to fish. I wish I would have! It looked like so much fun! The boys caught plenty of fish under the bridge. They took the kids out fishing in the raft.

They only kept the ones that had swallowed the hook, but this was one day.

Taylor, Kendel, and the other youngins hunted for minnows

Hot Dog roast with the cousins.

We went for lots of walks next to the Snake River when it wasn't raining.

Kendel and her bouquet of wildflowers. We picked one of every different kind of flower we saw.

When we were almost home, she found out one of the flowers was full of spiders. They started to crawl up her arm. Poor thing. It was so funny how fast she flung that bouquet (that she spent the last hour lovingly holding to show her dad) to the ground.

The other side of the bridge

Sadie was so well behaved. The report we got from home was that Kodi sat on the couch and would get excited every time she saw a car and then droop when it wasn't us. So sad. Kodi and Jax became good friends though. Jax even learned how to lick up water out of the pool like Kodi.

Josh brought his 4 wheeler. This is my mean face!

We do a float trip every year. This year we did one from up the river so it was a few hours long. As we were launching we saw a mama and baby moose out.

Josh and Jan had all the kids in their boat and Josh ended up throwing all of them overboard at least once. Becky and Matt's boat sprung a leak and they ended up breaking a paddle. Our float trip was awesome. We grabbed Kendel and had a peaceful happy trip down. I guess we were the only ones. lol. Grace was screaming when we first launched, but after a little nursing she went to sleep and slept the whole time.

We saw lots of fly fishermen

We saw another mama and baby moose in the water. They climbed up on the shore and were eating the grass when we sailed past. Kendel was worried about them charging us so she ducked her head because we chose the fork that went closer to them instead of distancing ourselves, so Aaron could get a picture. haha. They didn't seem to mind one bit.

We love Mack's Inn