Wednesday, April 2, 2014


If you look close enough you can see me and the pups on the left of the glacier. It's that big!

March Madness

The first of March brought us sunlight and bluebird skies! We had one good snow storm that brought us another couple of inches, but for the most part March has been absolutely stunning. Spring is in the air! Not in the way of blossoms or flowers, but the birds are back singing in the trees and we have seen a ton of moose in our yard. As soon as we hear a dog bark we peek outside to see if there are moose around. And Spring Skiing! It's way too much fun. Cross country skiing in tank tops and downhill skiing with a light jacket. It's awesome!

I've been getting a lot of attention on Instagram lately. I've almost got 1000 followers. I get featured every once in a while, and this girl on Instagram featured this picture of Sadie in front of the mountains. But then she also painted it and sent it to me free of charge. I couldn't believe it! So fun! Rei also did a feature on me this month and I got thirty five followers and almost 4800 likes on my picture. It's amazing! It makes Aaron a little jealous.

This is what it looks like, only its way better in real life!

Great reflections on the water

The same day we shuffled out to Portage Glacier. We had skis, but there was no snow on the ice. It was slippery, but we Girdwood Shuffled right out to the glacier and gave it a lick. It was nice because we could tell exactly where the ice was weak and where it was strong. Though twenty people recently went swimming when the glacier calved and the ice chunks broke up the ice under their feet. Fortunately, no one was hit or hurt and they were able to make it out ok. Just a little reminder mother nature is always in charge.

I asked her to sit and she threw herself down and played dead. Drama queen?

You can see where it breaks up as the glacier calves

That's Aaron in the corner there

Cross country skiing in the fog. It isn't the greatest snow, but no one is ever out there and we do lots of exploring through the trees and meadows. We found an awesome ice cave to check out.

Here we have the many facial expressions of Kodiak Gifford

I love skiing face

Watcha got there mom? Is it edible face?

Her poser sit at attention face

She won't let me take a picture with Sadie anymore. Its all about her!

Aaron and I saw the skating pond was open once after we had been out cross country skiing and decided to give it a try. I'm wearing boys 9 hockey boots and they didn't fit well. ha ha. Aaron tied the laces tight though and made them fit. We tried a few tricks, but our balance isn't the greatest!

It was fun unleashing out innner five year old selves. Great date night!

Happy Birthday to me! I turned 24 this year. My actual birthday was pretty chill. I had to work, but everyone was really nice and I got to celebrate three times! Aaron and I went out to Sushi once, he made me a delicious steak dinner the next night (we splurged on Costco ribeyes-yum), and I went to Jack Sprats to celebrate March Birthdays with Erin and Debbie and the work crew. I also made Aaron-you guessed it-go skiing with me. I stayed out for five hours and even got a sunburned nose for my effort. I was feeling very accomplished.

Jen, Jess, Lauren, Sarah, Jamie, me, Erin, Deah, Debbie, Amiee, and Johanna

I couldn't have asked for a better ski day. It started out foggy and ended up as a bluebird! We have gotten good enough to easily go down groomed black diamonds, but are still working on getting off the main trails. We've braved a few and Aaron likes to try the jumps, but I prefer going fast!

Action shots!

On a sunday evening we decided to hit the sunset on the Arm after a walk with the pups. Poor Kodi got fixed so she was just getting back up on her feet. We did a short way of the rainbow hike and Aaron photographed some waterfalls before heading out to Beluga point. We hit it just right. The water was like glass and we climbed up on these huge boulders to watch the sunset. It was gorgeous.

This is the Rei featured pic. :)

March was great for us!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics, Jen! That is a LOT of followers on instagram. You're practically famous. ;)
