Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

I made Aaron sit down with me and write some goals down for this year. We have some together and some individual goals we want to complete this year.

Goals together:

  • Sundays are together time
  • Individual scriptures and prayer (we are covering the New Testament this year)
  • 3 days a week of cross country skiing or exercise
  • 7000 dollars in our emergency fund by the end of February. 


  • Lose twenty pounds
  • Graduate BYU-I pathway program
  • 100% home teaching
I suggested trying to give up Mt. Dew. That didn't go over well.


  • Run a marathon this year
  • Being kind and thinking kindly
  • Eat gluten-free 
I think I may be allergic to gluten and we don't have health insurance so we can't get the test done. (They have to put you under and do a biopsy of the small intestine.) But several of the symptoms match, so I thought I would give up the bread, crackers, cookies, cakes, and pasta to see if it works. If it does I'll be gluten free for much longer. Aaron is so supportive and only has a small stash of goodies hidden away. It's been frustrating trying to find the right foods like syrup and soy sauce and seasoning salt, but hopefully it will be a good thing in the long run.

Good luck to everyone and their goals as well!


  1. Holy Cow!! Gluten free?? I think that would be harder than vegetarian, good for you for taking things into your own hands! And good for Aaron for supporting you! ha ha. I think it's awesome you guys made goals!! Good luck!

  2. Those sound like some good goals. Good luck with the marathon and with the gluten free. Sometime I need to do the yeast free diet. It's like a 3 week thing but super hard. Pretty much veggies and lean meat .... not even fruit. I have too much yeast in my body that makes me crave sweets. I'm trying to work up the motivation to do it for 3 weeks but it's so hard when your feeding a family and they don't want to eat that way.

  3. Nice Resolutions--Good Luck, I hope you complete them all! Larry and I wrote down a few. We are reading scriptures together this year and I am not doing nearly as well as when I read alone last year. lol
