Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Polar Bear Pink Cheeks Triathlon

Polar Bear Pink Cheeks Triathlon 

I signed up for a Sprint Triathlon about a month ago in Seward (which is a little sea port town about two hours away). I was really nervous because a freak snowstorm rolled through and our whole drive was through big fat flakes of snow. Ugghh. But by the time we got there it had turned to rain, and by the time our race started at 11am, the rain had mostly stopped. A sprint consists of a 3.1 mile run, a 6.2 mile bike, and .5 mile swim. I didn't practice the swim at all and was horrified when I realized it was 24 laps instead of the 12 I thought. Thank goodness for my froggy kick that never fails. It was the easiest part. 

They did the Triathlon backwards so we wouldn't have to freeze to death during the bike and the run.
 On your marks...get set....GO!

Can you find me?

There I am! Super excited!

 I ran my fastest 5k yet here. A 26:56 so just under nine minute miles. I was super pleased because I sprained my ankle the week before my race and had to rest the whole week. I thought about not doing it, but I paid to do this race! I had Aaron massage my ankle and stretched out right before the race, but after the race it blew up so bad you can't tell I have an ankle. More rest and ice for a while. :(

The bike portion was absolutely horrible! I didn't really train for the hills and there were so many dirt roads and sharp turns that I didn't feel comfortable getting up to top speed. There were a lot of sections too narrow to pass anyone either. Not the best course. The wind was blowing to top it all off. The mud was the worst. It kept getting in my eyes and I tried to blink it out. My time was 30:31. I could have done a lot better.

I had mud everywhere! I had just ripped off my headband and helmet and I kept wiping off my mouth so I wasn't drinking dirt water. Very attractive look, I think. You should have seen my pants!

They didn't allow spectators in to the swimming pool, so Aaron didn't get to see me swim. They had us shower off and stand in line so we got a little bit of a break while we waited. They started the time when you hopped into the pool. I got 14:13, which I could have gotten down to 10:00 if I had practiced. oh well.

My total time was 1 hour and 13 minutes with transitions. I got 10th in my age group (20-29) and 33rd in overall females and 56 overall. There were about 150 people. It was so much fun!!!! Races are seriously the best! Everyone is so happy and energetic and encouraging. I love talking to everyone and meeting new friends who like doing the same thing. I can't wait for our next race! I really want to do a couple of Olympic triathlons and work myself up to a half Ironman. It's the best! 

Sunday drives

Hope, Alaska

Aaron and I have been taking some long Sunday drives and came across a little town called Hope. It is such a cute little town. We will have to come back and camp here this summer. It was still covered in snow for the most part, but we trudged our way out through the slush to the ocean.

Aaron took a picture of Sadie and later looked at it and saw we were both reflecting in her eyes. Cute!

Black ice

After we played around watching the ocean and taking nerdy pictures of each other, we decided to hit the coastline somewhere to catch the sunset. We bushwhacked through the trees until we found the perfect spot. There are few moments in my life when I am perfectly happy and full of peace. This was one of them. I love my husband and it was really wonderful to sit on the moss, listen to the ocean below us and watch the sun go down together. 

Aaron setting up his camera for the perfect picture

Waterfall hunting

Our next Sunday drive we went along the Seward Highway looking for some waterfalls to photograph. Aaron took a photography class and this was something he wanted to practice. I still rely on my Iphone so my pictures aren't quite as cool. :)

On one of our little hikes Aaron wanted to take a picture of some mushrooms, so he crossed the snow and took his picture. On the way back he fell through the snow and landed in the river. He was screaming bloody murder, but I had to take a picture before I could help him out. he he he.

We saw some squirrels. Sadie calls them to our attention frequently. They are her favorite. Sometimes I swear she looks at me and asks why there is a squeaker toy up in the tree and to please get it down for her.

Spring is so wonderful! We went out towards Potters Marsh and see all kinds of birds now! It was our first sign that spring was coming, to hear the birds singing in the trees. So exciting!

Snow Geese



Bald Eagles

It was absolutely gorgeous out at the Waterfall hike! See how there is no snow!!!! We are only wearing jackets now too. I love the forties! I read a quote once that said, "If you want to know what is important to a person, look at what they photograph." Too true. All my photos are nature driven with Sadie and my husband thrown in.

Aaron knows how to do the shutter speed just right now.
McHughs Waterfall
Waterfall hike waterfalls

Another stop at Potters Marsh and we saw a wild moose about five feet from the walkway. He was a very young male and unafraid of anyone taking pictures. He actually walked underneath the walkway and if I had stuck out my hand I could have pet him from head to toe. Super scary big!!!! He was gorgeous.

On our way back to Girdwood we caught the sunset. We washed and waxed our car the other night at 10-11pm because it was still light outside. It's great having these long days again. We can pack a lot of adventures into our days off now. :)

From above Potters Marsh
At the ocean across from Potters Marsh

We are loving seeing all the wildlife again. A couple of people at work have seen black bears roaming around already. We are still keeping our eyes out.