Saturday, January 3, 2015



After our guests had left from the Gender Reveal Party. (We had our traditional Clam Chowder dinner beforehand.) Dad read us the Christmas story and asked us all questions about the meaning of Christmas and who we were celebrating. After that we opened presents upstairs from Mom and Dad and the other kids rushed home to sleep before Santa came to their houses.

Ryker and Hunter with Kodi and Sadie

Jared, Jessica, and Jax

Dad and Mom

Jer and Britt


 Bec's family

We stayed with LuAnn and Melvin and were woken up by Randy who was more than ready to come over. Riley had been up since six and was ready to see what Grandma's had to offer.

Christmas Day!

Riley handed out all the presents. He was dedicated. He was practically under the tree.









We made out like bandits. We loved being close enough to family to share this beautiful time of the year with them.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Gender Reveal

Gender Reveal

On Christmas Eve our family was getting together anyway so we decided find out what we were having with everyone. At 20 weeks we had an ultrasound and got to see our little angel. Everything about him/her was perfect. No defects, heartbeat strong, and ten fingers and toes. Instead of finding out if our baby was a he or she then, we had the ultrasound tech write it in a sealed envelop that we delivered to the bakery. We were so excited to find out what we were having. Aaron was sure it was a boy and I was guessing girl even though I thought it was a boy too.

20 weeks

Our cute little baby

23 Weeks

We put a picture of our baby and glued it to a white background for everyone to sign in. We had 18 boy guesses and 9 girl guesses.

We had a board of Old Wives Tales to make an educated guess by. It was pretty even with 7 things being girl and 6 things being boy. But with 18 nieces and nephews and only 4 being girls, most of the family went with boy. 

We made Gingerbread men and women to show our guesses. Aaron wanted "an anatomically correct" gingerbread man.

Ryker's Gingerbread man

All of the boys were stuffing balloons down their shirts to look pregnant. 

What happened....


We were shocked to get a girl, but we are so excited!

Christmas in Vegas


We had Christmas a few days early because we wanted to have our own before we went home. My parents claimed Christmas Eve and Aaron's parents claimed Christmas day. I like having our own family Christmas and this year we had Justin around too. It was fun!

Justin's sock

Aaron's sock

Jenny's sock

Kodi and Sadie's socks

My favorite part is watching Kodi open all the presents. She loves ripping the paper off and finding a toy in there. She opened all of Sadie's presents too.