Monday, February 3, 2014



So I tried to update the blog with some of the fun stuff we have been doing, but as I loaded all my photos on to the computer somehow they all got deleted. 300 pictures gone. There were a few tears, but I stole some from Instagram and Facebook, and I take way too many pictures anyway so it wasn't REALLY that big of a loss. Besides I still have Aaron's pictures to use.

Aaron and I took the tram to the top of the mountain in an attempt to find a sunset. There were too many clouds up top, but we had some fun playing on the mountain. 

This kid totally cracks me up. My coworkers call us nerdy in love. I just can't help it. I'm still 100% in love with this dude.

Don't worry, the mountain isn't on fire. For new years they do a torch light parade and all these people ski down chair 6 with torches. We also watched fireworks, its convenient our house is perfectly parallel to where the fireworks were going off. I stayed nice and warm. Though most of New Years was spent reassuring my pups that world war 3 wasn't going on outside. Try going to sleep with a dog doing their best to sit on your face. Not exactly my favorite holiday.

After being up top and watching the skiers fly down the mountain, I decided I could do that. I had been terrified of the thought previously, and had only gone up Chair 4 which is a little more than half way up the mountain. It's surreal to be above the clouds. I was so proud of myself for skiing down the mountain, without any falls. 

The next week was good snow weather so we went three times in a row. Steve who had been renting to us felt sympathetic and let us buy year rentals on skis so we wouldn't have to rent every day. We were stoked. Aaron even convinced me to go down a black diamond which he said was a blue run until we were down at the bottom of it. We had so much fun we did it four more times. My legs were screaming at me by the end of the third day.

That is Aaron about to drop off the side

For Christmas Aaron bought me a night at a gorgeous bed and breakfast called The Sundance Retreat. We got the forget me not room and I won't ever forget it. It was so amazing! They had this huge jacuzzi bathtub that we filled up and unfortunately I was a little heavy handed with the bubble bath. It turned into 1/4 water 3/4 bubbles bubblebath. We had a couple of feet of foam. The room had amazing views of Anchorage and the ocean with tv. We watched mindless tv for hours. She made us gluten free pancakes in the morning and we feed the horses before we left. It was so much fun!
We chased down the sunset and saw six eagles from our room. There were dall sheep out on the Arm.

Sushi is the coolest thing to happen since water. Oh my gosh! It's so good. We go almost every week either to the resort or when we go into town. The dragon roll is my new favorite. Aaron favors the Lion King roll. 

We went out to Portage for a quick way to exercise our pups and last minute decided to ski out to Portage Glacier. It took a few hours so half of our ski was in the dark but that glacier really pops blue! It was stunning and the dogs were pooped for days afterward. 

And then the snow stopped falling and it turned to rain. We spent the next two and half weeks inside. It was torture. All of snow is gone! They have had to shut down the mountain for a week because we reached temps of 50 degrees! It felt like summer.

Kodi had her first period so we threw some boxers on her. What a bloody mess! For real. Spaying that girl as soon as we can. Not worth the maintenance for a three week period. 

I helped Aimee celebrate her birthday. This is after three bottles of wine and glasses of champagne. I think everyone was a little giggly that night. No worries, I stuck to lemon water.

My work gals: Aimee, Annie, Sarah, Erin, me, Deah, Hannah

My man was nominated for "The Stars of the Industry" award. I'm so proud of him. It's like getting employee of the year but we got to go to this huge fancy dinner to see if he was going on to a National level. It's a huge deal! People wear ballroom gowns to this and I don't even own a dress. I went to Forever 21 and changed that. It was really fun to dress up and go to a ballroom in the Hilton. We had a three course dinner and they had tons of raffles.


Aaron Tyson and Travis. The maintenance crew.

Mason and Cat Rose. Cat was the Guest Services Employee of the year from the spa.

Our table

It was too funny. Aaron didn't end up winning his section. Cat had to leave so she asked me if she won to grab her award for her. She didn't expect to win, but she did! I had to go up and give a speech and everything. They gave me her award and everyone threw confetti on me and congratulated me. I tried to tell the first few people it wasn't actually me, but by the end of the night I just accepted all congratulations. It was awesome. Good job babe! 

I did Waterfall creek with the pups on Monday. This is scary. Aaron, Justin, and I did this hike in June and it had tons more snow then the end of January this year. I didn't even find a snow line. There were only patches. Our ski mountain only has snow because they are making it, our yard doesn't even have snow anymore! So much for those year rental skis.

It was awesome to be able to go and hike.
I know, I know. I still take too many pictures. But I think I've about covered January's adventures. ;)