Sunday, December 30, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! We sure did. I thought it was going to be super lame because it was just the two of us and we both had to work all day, but it turned pretty awesome. We celebrated Christmas on Sunday because we were working Christmas Eve and Christmas, and Aaron's family really wanted to facetime us when we opened our presents and vice versa. I absolutely love watching someone open a gift that is so perfect for them. That is the Christmas spirit. (I also read the Christmas story and watched a special Christmas showing of the Ellen show and cried like a baby! Why does this happen after you turn a certain age?) We also had clam chowder, rolls, and red velvet cake. Yum.
On Christmas eve we went to Keith and Dani's in Wasilla and had a Christmas feast. We had ham and turkey and all the fixings. We brought some homemade rolls and NY cheesecake. It was really fun. They got us some cute Alaskan socks.
Christmas day was pretty mellow. Work called and David (who is single) said he would cover my 11:00 massage if I wanted the morning off with my hubby. Ahhhh...I love my job. So we got to spend Christmas morning together. Sadie had a blast opening her presents and loved finding the treats in her stocking. Aaron got his NASCAR game he has wanted forever, a new razor, and some treats, and he got me a beginner book for playing hymns on the piano and a NASCAR #2 championship shirt. He's so cute. And our awesome brand new cross country skis (that we had to open early). We are so truly blessed.

The treats we sent out to our neighbors.
Our first super lame tree

Opening Presents

On facetime with Ri man

Aaron got Oakley's 

NASCAR shirt
And his game!

Aaron happily playing with his new helicopter
New jammies from LuAnn

Our backyard Christmas Day
Clam Chowder dinner 
New Cross Country Skis

It doesn't look like a big hill anymore, but that thing was
huge when I was about to go down. I slid down on my
butt until I learned how to go down a hill without falling.
I'm still not very good at it. ;)
Sadie's snow beard